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Importing Rig into multiple comps

Posted: Thu Mar 30, 2017 1:08 pm
by dohnutz
Hello! Very great tool you have here!

I am working on a project and have the rig setup and have imported it successfully into a comp and animated it. I created a second comp (i.e. shot 02) and when I go to import the rig again using the DUIK tools Import Rig option but when it goes through the process of importing the rig, it creates the rig with the new prefix given but then seems to duplicate everything. For example it will create the rig with he prefix like the following : shot02_Bob_Master_Rig, where the prefix is 'shot02', but then it goes through the process again and doubles the prefix like so: shot02_shot02_Bob_Master_rig. Any ideas why this is happening? What am I doing wrong? Also there is a Solids Folder that keeps adding null objects when I try importing the rig. Not sure which of these I can delete without messing up the rig.

Any help would be greatly appreciated!
