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Increasing a Composition size affects the rigged character.
Increasing a Composition size affects the rigged character.
Hi, I rigged a character, generated the walkcycle and then started playing around with it. Suddenly I realised I need to change the COMPOSITION dimension size in order to display the movement as I wanted. But, when I changed the composition dimension size, the character gets messed up. Why is it happening and how to solve it ?
Re: Increasing a Composition size affects the rigged character.
Hello, you've posted this response to quite a few similar questions but the link seems to be broken. I only see a list of other topics NOT relating to a fix for resizing comps.Duduf wrote: ↑Thu Apr 11, 2019 11:05 am see this: ... 2a612#p769
(search "resize comp")
I'm really hoping you could provide a simple solution because I've tried all sorts of "solutions" and nothing works.
Resizing the composition from the top left corner completely breaks the rig. The artwork still looks fine but as soon as I move a controller, nothing happens. It's like it becomes an empty space, I don't see anthing move, even the controller icon itself.
Collapse transforms doesn't help because I had to had an extra element that sits outside the composition. Nor does parenting everything to a new null. Even the adjustment layer+transform effect is a total bust.
Please PLEASE tell me there's a solution I'm just missing because I was basically done prepping an entire character with custom controllers and all until this last kink in my process.
Re: Increasing a Composition size affects the rigged character.
Resizing from the top left corner should work well, if it does not it is either because:
- There's a bug in Ae. What version do you use?
- It's an older version of Duik. What version do you use?
- You have some expressions using coordinates of some layers in comp space. Either custom expressions or maybe some specific constraints (I'm thinking position constraint or parent constraint in Duik for example. I don't see any other one which may break, and even these ones should work when resizing from the top left corner)
Resizing from the top left corner should work well, if it does not it is either because:
- There's a bug in Ae. What version do you use?
- It's an older version of Duik. What version do you use?
- You have some expressions using coordinates of some layers in comp space. Either custom expressions or maybe some specific constraints (I'm thinking position constraint or parent constraint in Duik for example. I don't see any other one which may break, and even these ones should work when resizing from the top left corner)