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DUIK - Unnecessary graphic elements

Posted: Tue Dec 08, 2020 8:05 am
by Azun1te
Hello Duik gang,

I wanted to ask, is there a way to disable/remove anchors from bone pins and control layers for good?

The icon or the pin is more than enough to indicate the position of the layer. Do anchors have any purpose other than being redundant and clogging up the screen with unnecessary information? It's a pain and a time waste to be disabling them manually and they draw too much attention(and don't look very good). Previous versions(before Bassel) of Duik didn't have these elements and it was great :)

Any solution would be fine (other than manually disabling them)



Re: DUIK - Unnecessary graphic elements

Posted: Fri Dec 11, 2020 7:38 am
by Duduf

These elements will be redesigned in Duik 17, but in the meantime there's no way to remove them automatically, except modifying that part in the source of Duik. It's free and open source, contributions are welcome! ;)