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Auto-renaming bug

Rigging, animation, import/export of characters, props and cameras comprehensive tool set for After Effects.
Posts: 3
Joined: Tue May 21, 2019 12:48 am

Auto-renaming bug

Post by rosatron » Mon Dec 21, 2020 5:21 am

Recently I have noticed that Duik is automatically renaming any project items or layers that share the same name. It does this with no prompting on my behalf - it is a process that just happens in the background, as soon as I open the after effects file.
I understand why it would want to rename layers in a comp where it needs to reference unique names for expressions - but this is definitely not the case!
To make matters worse, each project item it renames counts as a history state, so if it decides to rename 90 of my comps, it takes up 90 of my history states to do it (and it insists on doing it every 2 minutes, even when I revert it back) which makes the file basically unusable.
For my work, it is necessary to have project items with duplicate names. I separate the duplicate comp names via folder. Is there any way I can stop duik from automatically changing all my names?

Posts: 915
Joined: Mon Jun 20, 2016 2:59 pm

Re: Auto-renaming bug

Post by Duduf » Mon Dec 21, 2020 7:35 am

Just click on the brain icon at the bottom right of the panel, and you can disable name checks for the current project or globally

Posts: 3
Joined: Tue May 21, 2019 12:48 am

Re: Auto-renaming bug

Post by rosatron » Mon Dec 21, 2020 8:31 am

Wonderful - thank you so much!
