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Extract Controllers

Rigging, animation, import/export of characters, props and cameras comprehensive tool set for After Effects.

Extract Controllers

Post by MaazMaudood » Thu Dec 06, 2018 11:15 am


After placing my rigged comp onto another composition, I used extract controllers in Duik 16 to get the ability to use the controllers in my new composition. Now, is there a way to revert back this extraction if I wanted to make a change for example? If I do a simple CTRL Z, the entire script breaks down. Is there a way to unlink the extracted controllers?

I tried making a third composition and tried exacting controllers, but it doesn't work since all the expressions are already linked to my first extraction.

Hope anyone can help.


Posts: 915
Joined: Mon Jun 20, 2016 2:59 pm

Re: Extract Controllers

Post by Duduf » Thu Dec 13, 2018 8:47 am

For now there's no easy solution for this,

But you can simply remove the expressions linking the controllers you need to modify in the rigged composition.

I'm working on this tool to be able to better manage this kind of things...
