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Slider to TimeRemapping or Split layers

Posted: Thu Apr 25, 2019 12:12 am
by Tcn1284
Is there anyway to connect a slider to a time remapped layer? I have a slider that correctly controls my time remapped comp but It won’t allow me to set key frames on the sliders value. Also, I tried to skip remapping and assign the slider to my actual key frames but I think because there is a split in the layer (so that half the animation is on one layer and then the other half starts at the beginning of a second layer) I can’t create a connection. Is there anyway around this? Thanks in advance!!!!!

Re: Slider to TimeRemapping or Split layers

Posted: Fri May 03, 2019 10:28 am
by Duduf
Connecting a slider to a time remap should work correctly, this is strange...

But yes, you can connect the slider directly to the layers, but instead of changing their starttime you'd have to animate their opacities, so they all start at the beginning of the comp. Also you have to make sure all the animations have the same duration (including the opacities you're going to connect too), duplicating the first or last keyframe if necessary to synchronize them all